Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Nun's Priest

The widow in the "Nun's Priest," by Chaucer reflects the life of a peasant woman who lives in poor conditions. this woman hasn't inherited any wealth from her husband only misery. Unlike the Wife's Bath who accumulated wealth by marrying several husbands. Due to her economic conditions, she lives a life very different from other widows because she had nothing to fight for and therefore her life is just like any poor person who has to work very hard to make the end.

The Wife's Bath

The character of Allison in "The Wife's Bath," by Chaucer was a woman who married several times with wealthy husbands. This brought her great benefits such as learning how to conduct business and how to behave within the most affluent social class. She also used her sexual attributes for personal gain. This is proven when she said, :I have the powere during al my life upon. Upon this proper body, and nat he time" (Line 164). Many of these husbands were wealthier and older than her so she had a purpose in her mind and that was the influence and money theses husband could give her in order to scaling a wealthier social class and independence.

Women and Will

One important achievement obtained by married women during the medieval time was the right to inherit the wealth of their husbands by their deaths. The will was a legal document that enable many widows not to be economically destitute like before. Among the widow women who benefit with this legal law was the Wife's Bath. She has the misfortune or fortune of widowed several times and as a result she became a wealthy and powerful women.